Reducing the cost of online shopping

Reducing the cost of online shopping

HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) have announced changes to import duties, which should make it cheaper to purchase goods from outside the EU. The following in an excerpt from HMRC’s website: From next month, internet shoppers will no longer have to pay customs duty on...
Reducing the cost of online shopping

Why we’ve partnered with FUTRLI

Traditionally accountants help with your figures in a historical and reactive way. Services such Accounts production and tax returns is all looking backwards at the past, reviewing what happened last month, quarter or year. At Chapman Robinson & Moore, we’re not...
Reducing the cost of online shopping

A New way of Accounting to Make Your Numbers Work

Here at Chapman Robinson and Moore, we have developed an innovative and new way of accounting for our clients, to help them make their numbers work for their future success. For over 30 years, we have been the go-to trusted advisers for our clients, supporting the...
Reducing the cost of online shopping

Your VAT reporting

VAT is often considered ‘black or white’. For example, you should register or not and an invoice should include VAT or not. However, as with many taxes in the UK, it can be a grey area and can depend! You must register for VAT with HMRC if your business’...
Making Tax Digital – in preparation of

Making Tax Digital – in preparation of

Making Tax Digital (MTD) is proposed to help bring the tax system into the 21st century by providing businesses with a modern, streamlined system to keep their tax records and provide information to HMRC. The roll out for MTD has been amended to ensure businesses have...
Reducing the cost of online shopping

CRM announces the next Business Improvement Workshops

We are pleased to announce that in October 2017, we will launch our 4th Business Improvement Workshop programme. This programme is for business owners who are looking to develop and grow their business and make more money with less effort. The content of our programme...

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