The Step Change to Significant Business Growth: 10 Key Strategies

Our Commercial Director, Mike Foster, was recently asked to speak at a local networking group for business owners looking to develop their business.

Mike’s presentation was titled ‘The Step Change to Significant Business Growth’ and covered 10 essential steps, we cover as part of the planning stage of our Business Improvement Programme, that will give you control, confidence and consistency to significantly develop, grow and run your business like clockwork.

He shared how we support our clients to ensure that they work on the high pay off activities that drive the results they target to deliver their vision, goals & objectives.

In summary, the 10 areas are:

  1. Know and analyse your starting point – Where are you now? Create the strong foundation from which to grow. Understand your current skill gap (personally or as a team). Ensure you are prepared for growth with the infrastructure, systems and people.
  2. Making the time for your priorities – How to make time to grow. Commit time to your important but non-urgent tasks (marketing, planning, team development). Plan your diary and tasks effectively. Understand your interruptions to manage them (who and what).
  3. Your mission, vision, goals and objectives – Known your vision with clarity. What is your real reason why? Understand and use your motivation to help you make decisions. Achieve your goals and objectives with effective goal planning and focus on your high pay off activities.
  4. Know your ideal customers – Profile your ideal customer. Who are your vertical markets. Where do they look for suppliers or someone who solves their pain or problem? Truly understand their pain or problem and understand what you ‘really’ do to alleviate this for them. Does your content say to the reader, yes that is me, yes that is my problem, yes this is the person who can help?
  5. Positioning your business – What is your USP / differentiator? How do you package what you offer or know? How do you position your pricing model.
  6. Your Marketing tactics – Consider the many options to take your product or service to market, but which are best lead generators for your ideal customer attraction. Ensure you are consistent, so that what you say verbally is consistent with your web site as inconsistency will confuse your prospect and when they are confused they look elsewhere. Effective Networking is about building your network, protecting your network, proactively work your network and making it the king of your marketing.
  7. How to win more customers – Know your sales funnel and buyers journey. How do your prospects get to know, like and trust you? What is your sales process when you attract interest and how systemised is this? Remember people buy solutions to their problems not your job title or label.
  8. Make your numbers work – Understand your financials. Not just the black and white numbers, but the trends and analyse with rations. Remember turnover and profits are only as a result of other activity, so what are your key success drivers?
  9. Maximise your people investment – Your team is more than those you employ. Include your suppliers, sub contractors, trusted advisers and your network. How do you attract, select, manage and retain the best people. Keep people focused on the CORE (Commitment, Ownership, Responsibility, Excellence).
  10. Making your business work like clockwork – Understand you role in the business (business owner or technician). How do you let go, trust and delegate. How do you systemise your business so that it works like clockwork. Continue the 7 steps of business growth (more leads, better conversion, sell more, increase value, improve margins, cross sell, retain longer)

If you would like to know more or discuss these areas in relation to your business, then please call us on 01865 379272.