CRM Partners with OpenSpace for Secure Client Collaboration

Here at CRM, we have been reviewing how we securely communicate and collaborate with our clients in the most efficient way.

With the new General Data Protection Regulations looming, we chose to review how we exchange sensitive and confidential information with our clients, which is an important part of our daily routine.

Traditional methods now present a number of challenges including the fact that email is insecure, post is slow and has ever increasing costs. So we wanted a fresh approach.

Our questions were:

How can we securely share documents and accounts or tax information with our clients?

Was there a more efficient way of collaborating with our clients for exchanging information?

Following our research, we have chosen the IRIS OpenSpace cloud package that provides the ideal mechanism for increased collaboration between CRM and our clients.

Consumer file sharing sites, such as dropbox, are complex to manage for multiple clients, and do not always comply with data protection requirements. IRIS OpenSpace is a safe, simple and secure collaborative tool for accountancy practices and clients to share documents with each other and get client approval electronically.

Security was an obvious consideration. IRIS OpenSpace offers the same levels of encryption and authentication you expect from online banking.

Via IRIS OpenSpace, you can upload, store and approve documents online. It’s in ‘The Cloud’ so it’s always accessible from any location with internet access, including mobile devices.

Here are some of the features:

  • Fast and secure document exchange for your business critical documents
  • Easily upload, store and approve documents online
  • High level security provided
  • A central record for your accounts information (eg copy of the last return)
  • No software to install
  • Provide your tax return data as you receive it
  • Accessible on mobile devices
  • Document approval quickly and legally

So what next?

Over the next few months, all our clients will be invited to set up an IRIS OpenSpace account, securing with their own username and password. This will enable us to most securely share a draft set of accounts, a tax return or a financial statement with our clients, whilst the clients can send bank statements, payslips and such documents to us.

Additionally, our clients can now e-sign their returns and documents further improving our efficient working practices.

IRIS OpenSpace is the easy and secure way for us to work with our clients together online. If you would like further information or want to register earlier, then please call us on 01865 379272.