
Do you know about online filing requirements for employers?

As you will be aware, the end of the tax year is rapidly approaching, meaning the annual task of filing employers returns P35, P14 and P11D is nearly upon us.

As in previous years, there is a tax free incentive payment (£75 for 2008/09) for small employers (broadly defined as those employing 50 or less people during the year) to file their forms P35 and P14 online. This is the last year there will be such an incentive, with online filing anticipated being obligatory for small employers from 2009/10.

For medium and large employers (i.e. those not meeting the definition of small), filing your P35 and P14 online is mandatory, and failure to do so will result in fines being charged. These are not deductible expenses for tax purposes.

In addition to the requirement to submit annual returns online, from 6th April 2009, medium and large employers will be required to submit the following in year forms online or face penalty charges:

  • Form P45 Part 1 – when an employee leaves your business
  • Form P45 Part 3 – when a new employee starts
  • Form P46 – when an employee starts but has no P45 from previous employment
  • Form P46 (Pen) – to be introduced in April 2009, this replaces forms P160 and PENNOT for sending HMRC details of a new pension or annuity that you’re starting to pay

There is an HMRC podcast available on the subject , but if you are concerned about online filing requirements either for end of year, or for in year requirements from 6th April 2009, please e-mail us or telephone the office on 01865 379272 to discuss your requirements.

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