As part of our Business Improvement Programme and Business Mentoring Programme, one area we explore with our clients is the attraction, retention and performance of the best people.
Having the right people around you, internally and externally, is so important in business. We help our clients to explore the impact of an individuals behavioural style, as much as their skill and ability.
The behavioural style analysis we follow is based on the DISC theory, built from Dr Marston’s framework in 1928 and how he viewed people behaviour as passive or active. The starting point is to review an individuals behaviour and identify whether they show high or local characteristics in four areas:
D – Dominance
I – Influence
S – Steadiness
C – Compliance
An individual can display more than one high behavioural style.
From this point, you can work with the knowledge of these characteristics to motivate, manage and integrate into the team.
With knowledge and experience these charactertistics may be observed, although you may wish to consider an online behavioural assessment analysis to better understand the behavioural style of people around you, such as you team, your associates and even on occasions you clients. An assessment is a validated, positive, non-critical, behavioural analysis that provides an accurate insight into how people behave at work, giving you a greater level of certainty when recruiting, retaining, developing and managing your people.
A profile will detail a person’s strengths and limitations, their communication style, their value to the business, what motivates them, their basic fears and how they behave under pressure, helping you to identify where to maximise your learning and development budget, and understanding where to boost morale to avoid staff turnover.
The online assessment we use only takes 8 minutes to complete. From groups of four words, you are asked to simply identify a word that Most describes you and one that Least describes you (as below). We have completed more than 100 assessments and only had one person challenge a single comment about them in their report, with all the other individuals pleased by the accuracy of the summary findings.
Below is an outline of some of the leading characteristics from each of the four areas, that also helps highlight the value an individual showing certain high factors can bring to your organisation.
A High D, who is motivated by power and authority, brings Drive .
- Drive to accomplish results in spite of opposition or antagonistic circumstances.
- Getting results
- Expediting action
- Accepting challenge
- Making decisions
- Trouble shooting
- Challenges self and others
- Assuming authority
- Creating instant solutions
A High I, who is motivated by praise and recognition, brings the ability to work with and through people.
- The motivating and influencing of people to act positively and favourably.
- Making favourable impressions
- Verbalisation
- Generating enthusiasm
- Radiating optimism
- Cultivating relationships
- Gaining commitment
- Boosting morale
- Demonstrating concern for others
High S, who is motivated by security, brings service, support and specialisms.
- Steadiness in performing work to consistently produce in a predictable manner.
- Developing specialist skills
- Concentrating on the job in hand
- Completing tasks thoroughly
- Maintaining consistency
- Persistence
- Adhering to procedure
- Supporting others
- Listening attentively
High C, who is motivated by standard operating procedures, brings technical and quality.
- Compliance with exacting standards to avoid error, trouble or danger.
- Concentrating on detail
- Operating under controlled circumstances
- Being diplomatic with people
- Assessing trouble and risk
- Enforcing quality and directives
- Monitoring and controlling
- Fault finding
- Analysing in depth
- Improving standards
- Fact finding
Have you perhaps identified or resonated with certain charactertics? Can you start to see certain people with a behaviourial style? How would they work effectively in a team or as an individual?
If you would like to know more about our programmes, then please do not hesitate to contact us.